
0.1.42 -December 8:

> Optimized the way slices are split up so it works better on older devices
> Added Canvas fallback so older devices can still play the game if they dont support webgl

0.1.41 -December 8:
> Fixed a bug that was reseting the highscore if you lost a level

0.1.4 -December 8:
> Added in highscores
> Began adding in some social features

0.1.3 -December 7:
> Rehauled the update system so things go smoother when i update the game in the future
> Clicking a incorrect circle during a combo now breaks it

0.1.2 -December 7:
> Added 20 New levels
> Fixed a major bug with levels 20-30 

0.1.1 -December 6:
> Added 3 diffrent combo stages

0.1.0 -December 5:
> Launch
> Fixed a major bug that prevented users from playing the game
> Fixed a bug where disabling sound would cause runtime errors resulting in some slowdown on older devices